Facelift in Troy, Michigan
Facelift procedures are designed to give the individual a natural, unoperated look with the shortest recovery time possible, and a result that is long lasting. Facelift surgery is a highly individualized procedure, designed for each patient according to his or her anatomy. There are several techniques to reposition and restore the underlying foundation, including the fat and fascia in the face and the muscles in the cheek, jawline and neck.
No single facelift technique is appropriate for all patients.
Dr. Sakwa uses the approach that is best for each patient’s anatomy. In every patient he repositions the underlying foundation, which consists of fascia, called the SMAS, fat and muscle to restore tissues to their original position without stretching the overlying skin. Many people lose facial fat volume as part of the aging process but people in their early 40’s and 50’s usually need volume redistribution rather than volume addition.
A facelift is defined as correcting the aging process from the corner of the eyes down to the collarbone. That includes the mid face, cheeks, jawline and neck. A forehead/eyebrow lift corrects sagging of the eyebrows from the corner of the eye upwards. Not all facelift patients need a forehead lift. For many patients, the eyebrows maintain an adequate position without anything being done for them.
A full facelift incision begins in the temporal area above the ear, follows the contour of the cartilage of the ear, curves around the earlobe and continues up the back of the ear into the hair in a way that is not seen. Dr. Sakwa maintains the hairline in the front and back of the ear, and the temporal and side burn area, in their original positions. With this technique, facelift scars are hidden.
For some patients, a short scar facelift is possible in which the incision begins in the temporal area above the ear, follows the contour of the cartilage of the ear and then curves around the earlobe and stops. A short scar facelift works for an individual who does not have significant sagging of the neck. Through this short incision, very sophisticated work on the underlying foundation of the mid face, cheek and jawline can be performed.
Some current media articles and advertisements compare non-invasive and minimally invasive facelift procedures to surgical facial rejuvenation. The results obtained with non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures do not compare to the initial results, nor the long-term results, that can be achieved with surgery.
Bruising, swelling and recovery time varies from patient to patient. A number of factors including the patient’s skin, general health, medications, as well as the procedure necessary to deliver the desired results, will influence the recovery time. Dr. Sakwa and his staff will advise you of the appropriate do’s and don’ts before surgery. In general, most patients are over most of their bruising and much of their swelling 10 to 14 days after surgery. Many patients return to social activities, and/or work, 2 weeks after surgery and everyone returns to aerobic exercise 21 days post-op.
There is a place for filler substances and Botulinum toxins in the face, although they cannot lift and restore sagging tissues.
Patients frequently ask what age should I have a facelift? It is Dr. Sakwa’s philosophy that a patient, regardless of age, should not have a facelift until they have seen changes in the face, that are a result of the aging process, that they wish to have corrected. The primary causes linked to the aging process are 1) Genetics 2) Lifestyle - including factors such as sun damage 3) Smoking 4) Weight gain or loss.
People age at various rates and observe changes in their face differently. Some people see the early changes of aging, such as a little bit of sagging in the mid face and jowls along the jawline that troubles them a great deal. That is why Dr. Sakwa performs facelifts on a number of individuals in the mid to late 40’s. Conversely, Dr. Sakwa has also seen patients in their 50’s who do not yet need surgical rejuvenation.
Patients frequently ask how long a facelift will last. Once you have had a facelift, you will look better than nature intended for the remainder of your life. Mind you, 10 years after surgery you will not look as good as 4 to 5 years after surgery because aging does continue, but you will look better than if you had not had the procedure.
Secondary facelifts are performed 10 to 12 or even 15 years after the original procedure. This is not because the patient has returned to their pre-surgical condition but because they are seeing changes occurring with the passage of time and they wish to maintain a more youthful face.
To learn more about our Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Services and to find out if it is right for you, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.