Eyelid Surgery in Troy, Michigan
Changes around the eyes are some of the earliest evidence that occur in the face showing signs of the aging process. The changes are influenced by eyebrow position, eyelid anatomy, genetics, sun exposure and smoking. It is important to have the eyebrows in the right position in order to get the best results with eyelid surgery.
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
For most patients, the changes on the upper eyelids are due to the appearance of excessive skin and bulging due to fat accumulation behind the eyelid skin and muscle. In the majority of patients, removal of excess skin and some upper eyelid fat is necessary to give the patient a more youthful contour. Some patients have significant asymmetry of their upper eyelids due to their underlying anatomical structure and genetics. In those cases, some or all of the asymmetry may still be present after surgery.
The upper eyelid incisions are made on the natural skin crease of the lid. The incisions on the upper eyelids heal extremely well and after a few weeks are barely seen or easily hidden with makeup.
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Lower eyelid puffiness due to bulging fat is the most common problem. Many patients state that they have had some fat pad bulge of their lower lids most of their life, as this condition is often inherited and is passed from generation to generation. When the primary problem is budging fat, it can be removed by an incision that is hidden on the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival). If there is excess skin and or excess muscle on the lower eyelid, a small incision just beneath the eyelashes is required. The stitches are usually removed 5 days following surgery from the lower eyelid and the scar heals so it is almost imperceptible in most patients. Bruising following eyelid surgery varies from person to person. Makeup can be applied to the eyes 24 hours following the removal of sutures. When the transconjunctival approach is used to remove fat from the lower eyelids there are no sutures to be removed.
To learn more about our Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Services and to find out if it is right for you, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.